Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty Surgery
Lower Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Lower eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty, removes excess eyelid bulk and fat from the lower eyelid area.
- Often referred to as “eyelid bags,” fat that helps protect the eye in the eye socket can start to push forward as we age.
- Occasionally, this extra fat can also stretch the skin, creating some added wrinkles underneath the eye. This can make your eyes and face look older and more tired.
- Dr. Dewan approaches each patient and each eyelid with a custom recommendation and takes time to make sure your goals can be achieved.
- You will look natural and more youthful, not overdone or “hollowed out.” This is a safe outpatient procedure that can help restore a youthful look.

Why should I get lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery?
What is the surgery like?
Can I wear makeup afterward?
Will I have a scar afterward?
Only occasionally does a lower eyelid blepharoplasty create scarring. In many cases, Dr. Dewan will perform the surgery from the underside of the eyelid, meaning there is no skin incision at all, and therefore, no scar. This internal incision heals very well, and patients don’t even know it’s there after healing. In case there is loose lower eyelid skin to be removed, Dr. Dewan will perform the surgery from a fine incision made just underneath your eyelashes. This incision is strategically placed to hide within the natural lines made by your eyelid muscles, so it is difficult to see after healing.
What is the recovery like?
Usually, patients will only need to take over-the-counter pain medicines such as Tylenol or ibuprofen. The eyelids heal very well because there are lots of small blood vessels bringing natural healing from our bodies.
- Patients typically have swelling and bruising for several days, which you can treat with ice and heat.
- Despite the swelling, most people are able to resume normal activity within 1-2 weeks, with most activities able to be done within just a day or two. You’ll receive a personalized recovery plan before your surgery.
- One week after your surgery, you will return for a post-operative visit, which will allow Dr. Dewan to check that everything is healing as it should.
What other surgeries are performed with lower eyelid blepharoplasty?
- Many patients frequently want help with heavy upper eyelids, and combine an upper eyelid blepharoplasty with a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. A combined procedure gives you a wonderful, natural appearance with only 1 short post-operative recovery.
- Other patients would like to have a “mini-facelift” at the same time as lower eyelid blepharoplasty, so cheek lifting and support are a common procedure done simultaneously.
- Other patients would like to alter the shape of the eye, and a typical youthful appearance involves sharpening the outside corner of the eye. This is often referred to as canthoplasty.
Before and After
Will insurance pay for this?
the best results.