Facial Fillers

I didn’t know fillers can be used to treat wrinkles! Tell me how that works?
Wrinkles are more complicated than we think. In fact, as surgeons, we separate wrinkles into 2 main types. First, dynamic wrinkles are the common lines we see when we emote. Smiling, for instance, pulls our cheeks upwards and causes us to slightly close our eyes. This forms lines on the outside corner of the eyes. These dynamic wrinkles are treated best with medicines that relax the muscles, like Botox. The other type of wrinkles, called static wrinkles, are visible on our faces regardless of facial movement. These lines form as a result of creasing of the skin from years of again and facial expression. Other lines also form as a result of gravity causing movement of large areas of the face such as the cheek and jowls. As these areas are pulled down by gravity, we see lines, such as the nasolabial fold, form. This is a deep line that extends down from the nose to the corner of the mouth. Fillers work great for this type of line.
What about around the eyes? I’ve heard filler can be used there as well!
What are the risks associated with filler use around the eyes?
Is filler permanent?
What happens if I don’t like the filler?
I know there are different types of fillers. Does it matter which one I have injected?
Can fillers be used if I am also considering surgery?
I want a doctor to inject my filler! Who does the injections at your office?
How much do fillers cost?
the best results.